Tutorial 5: Rubidium-85 D Line

Rubidium is a heavy atom with hyperfine structure. Modelling of the Rb85 D line is shown in this tutorial using the LASED library. The calculations will be compared with J.Pursehouse’s PhD thesis as he modelled the same system.

import LASED as las
import plotly.graph_objects as go
import numpy as np
import time

from IPython.display import Image  # To display images in Jupyter notebooks

The data for Rubidium can be accessed here. The 5\(^2\)S\(_{1/2}\) to the 5\(^2\)P\(_{3/2}\) transition will be modelled here with F’ = 3 to the F = 4 level as the resonant transition and all other terms will be detuned from this resonance. A level diagram of the system is shown below. This system has more energy levels than the sodium D-line.


Setting up the System

Set up the system in the exact same way that the sodium system was setup but with different numbers.

# 5^2S_{1/2} -> 5^2P_{3/2}
wavelength_rb = 780.2e-9  # Wavelength in nm
w_e = las.angularFreq(wavelength_rb)
tau_rb = 26.3 # in ns

I_rb = 5/2  # Isospin for sodium
PI = np.pi

# Energy Splittings
w1 = 3.0357*2*PI # Splitting of 5^2S_{1/2}(F' = 2) -> (F' = 3) in Grad/s
w2 = 0.0294*2*PI  # Splitting between 5^2P_{3/2} F = 1 and F = 2 in Grad/s
w3 = 0.0634*2*PI  # Splitting between 5^2P_{3/2} F = 2 and F = 3 in Grad/s
w4 = 0.1206*2*PI  # Splitting between 5^2P_{3/2} F = 3 and F = 3 in Grad/s

# Detunings
w_Fp2 = -1*w1
w_F1 = w_e-(w4+w3+w2)
w_F2 = w_e-(w4+w3)
w_F3 = w_e-w4
w_F4 = w_e

# Create states
# 5^2S_{1/2}
Fp2 = las.generateSubStates(label_from = 1, w = w_Fp2, L = 0, S = 1/2, I = I_rb, F = 2)
Fp3 = las.generateSubStates(label_from = 6, w = 0, L = 0, S = 1/2, I = I_rb, F = 3)

# 5^2P_{3/2}
F1 = las.generateSubStates(label_from = 13, w = w_F1, L = 1, S = 1/2, I = I_rb, F = 1)
F2 = las.generateSubStates(label_from = 16, w = w_F2, L = 1, S = 1/2, I = I_rb, F = 2)
F3 = las.generateSubStates(label_from = 21, w = w_F3, L = 1, S = 1/2, I = I_rb, F = 3)
F4 = las.generateSubStates(label_from = 28, w = w_F4, L = 1, S = 1/2, I = I_rb, F = 4)

# Declare excited and ground states
G_rb = Fp2 + Fp3
E_rb = F1 + F2 + F3 + F4

# Laser parameters
intensity_rb = 20 # mW/mm^-2
Q_rb = [0]
Q_decay = [1, 0, -1]

# Simulation parameters
start_time = 0
stop_time = 500 # in ns
time_steps = 501
time_rb = np.linspace(start_time, stop_time, time_steps)

Time Evolution

The time evolution of this system will take much longer than the sodium as the complexity scales as n\(^2\) where n is the number of energy levels and sodium has 24 compared to rubidium’s 36.

Create a LaserAtomSystem object and time evolve the system using timeEvolution()

rb_system = las.LaserAtomSystem(E_rb, G_rb, tau_rb, Q_rb, wavelength_rb, laser_intensity = intensity_rb)
tic = time.perf_counter()
toc = time.perf_counter()
print(f"The code finished in {toc-tic:0.4f} seconds")
Populating ground states equally as the initial condition.
The code finished in 2268.3734 seconds

Saving and Plotting

Now save and plot the results

rho_to_plot = [ [abs(rho) for rho in rb_system.Rho_t(s, s)] for s in F4]

fig_rbF4 = go.Figure()

for i, rho in enumerate(rho_to_plot):
    fig_rbF4.add_trace(go.Scatter(x = time_rb,
                                y = rho,
                                name = f"m_F = {F4[i].m}",
                               mode = 'lines'))

fig_rbF4.update_layout(title = "Rubidium 5<sup>2</sup>S<sub>1/2</sub> to 5<sup>2</sup>P<sub>3/2</sub> π-Excitation: Time Evolution of Population in the F = 4 Substates",
                 xaxis_title = "Time (ns)",
                 yaxis_title = "Population",
                font = dict(
                    size = 11))
rho_to_plot = [ [abs(rho) for rho in rb_system.Rho_t(s, s)] for s in F3]

fig_rbF3 = go.Figure()

for i, rho in enumerate(rho_to_plot):
    fig_rbF3.add_trace(go.Scatter(x = time_rb,
                                y = rho,
                                name = f"m_F = {F3[i].m}",
                               mode = 'lines'))

fig_rbF3.update_layout(title = "Rubidium 5<sup>2</sup>S<sub>1/2</sub> to 5<sup>2</sup>P<sub>3/2</sub> π-Excitation: Time Evolution of Population in the F = 3 Substates",
                 xaxis_title = "Time (ns)",
                 yaxis_title = "Population",
                font = dict(
                    size = 11))
rho_to_plot = [ [abs(rho) for rho in rb_system.Rho_t(s, s)] for s in F2]

fig_rbF2 = go.Figure()

for i, rho in enumerate(rho_to_plot):
    fig_rbF2.add_trace(go.Scatter(x = time_rb,
                                y = rho,
                                name = f"m_F = {F2[i].m}",
                               mode = 'lines'))

fig_rbF2.update_layout(title = "Rubidium 5<sup>2</sup>S<sub>1/2</sub> to 5<sup>2</sup>P<sub>3/2</sub> π-Excitation: Time Evolution of Population in the F = 2 Substates",
                 xaxis_title = "Time (ns)",
                 yaxis_title = "Population",
                font = dict(
                    size = 11))
rho_to_plot = [ [abs(rho) for rho in rb_system.Rho_t(s, s)] for s in F1]

fig_rbF1 = go.Figure()

for i, rho in enumerate(rho_to_plot):
    fig_rbF1.add_trace(go.Scatter(x = time_rb,
                                y = rho,
                                name = f"m_F = {F1[i].m}",
                               mode = 'lines'))

fig_rbF1.update_layout(title = "Rubidium 5<sup>2</sup>S<sub>1/2</sub> to 5<sup>2</sup>P<sub>3/2</sub> π-Excitation: Time Evolution of Population in the F = 1 Substates",
                 xaxis_title = "Time (ns)",
                 yaxis_title = "Population",
                font = dict(
                    size = 11))
rho_to_plot = [ [abs(rho) for rho in rb_system.Rho_t(s, s)] for s in Fp3]

fig_rbFp3 = go.Figure()

for i, rho in enumerate(rho_to_plot):
    fig_rbFp3.add_trace(go.Scatter(x = time_rb,
                                y = rho,
                                name = f"m_F = {Fp3[i].m}",
                               mode = 'lines'))

fig_rbFp3.update_layout(title = "Rubidium 5<sup>2</sup>S<sub>1/2</sub> to 5<sup>2</sup>P<sub>3/2</sub> π-Excitation: Time Evolution of Population in the F' = 3 Substates",
                 xaxis_title = "Time (ns)",
                 yaxis_title = "Population",
                font = dict(
                    size = 11))
rho_to_plot = [ [abs(rho) for rho in rb_system.Rho_t(s, s)] for s in Fp2]

fig_rbFp2 = go.Figure()

for i, rho in enumerate(rho_to_plot):
    fig_rbFp2.add_trace(go.Scatter(x = time_rb,
                                y = rho,
                                name = f"m_F = {Fp2[i].m}",
                               mode = 'lines'))

fig_rbFp2.update_layout(title = "Rubidium 5<sup>2</sup>S<sub>1/2</sub> to 5<sup>2</sup>P<sub>3/2</sub> π-Excitation: Time Evolution of Population in the F' = 2 Substates",
                 xaxis_title = "Time (ns)",
                 yaxis_title = "Population",
                font = dict(
                    size = 11))